Friday, March 21, 2008



Glimpse is one of the first songs we recorded for the CD.  I had been caught up with this idea that we will never be able to fully understand everything about God. Even in heaven, it's not like we'll enter through the gates and receive a "God" download.  We'd probably explode!  

Instead we'll be constantly learning more about who He is. He is and always will be like a diamond with many different angles and facets.  He is a resource that will never run dry, he is a complicated mesmorizing person, he is amazing.  I was praying this a lot "God turn to me another angle of who you are!"  Glimpse is a song of awe and wonder.  

Is also a song that asks for more.  I will be the first to admit that I sometimes get bored of searching.  Sometimes it feels like day in day out I'm doing the same things I always do in pursuit of God.  This song is a quest. A search for more of God.  It talks about some things I've caught onto already in faith and then it dives into the search "I've give anything just for one more glimpse of you." 

The song was a little boring to me in it's original acoustic form.  We had a moment in the studio (props to my good friend Katie Scott) where Lindsay was singing background vocals and someone was like "what if Lindsay sings this mysterious 'I'd give anything' behind the chorus!"  To me that chorus and the addition of the bridge (which was actually written in the studio as well - a real God moment) made the song.  Props to Tim Heil who produced it, I believe we got some great sounds and great memories to go with it.

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